Do you have an academic degree from a German university that is RELEVANT for your application or are you going to obtain such a degree before the intended start of your studies?
hhd 发表于 2024-2-20 21:13
academic degree from a German university是问是否是德国大学毕业。
你是不是之前有选项选择错了。 ...
我是1.登录申请系统https://online.rwth-aachen.de/ 2.applications 3.enter new applications
然后就是这个界面:Do you have an academic degree from a German university that is RELEVANT for your application or are you going to obtain such a degree before the intended start of your studies?
找到官网有一个step by step instruction.pdf 里面讲:applicants who are Non-EU/EEA nationals are asked if they have completed an academic degree at a German university. Please answer this question as it applies in your case. 应该就是问问非欧盟学生是否在德国读的大学,国内大学应该选NO就行了吧!